Project Compliance with Environmental Policies

We place great importance on creating technologies that not only represent a breakthrough in the field of medicine but are also environmentally friendly. Our innovative wound scanner has been designed with the goal of minimizing its negative impact on the planet.

Sustainable Design

All our design activities have been carefully crafted with the aim of minimizing negative impacts on the environment. The modular construction of our scanner not only facilitates repairs and upgrades of the device but also significantly contributes to extending the product’s lifespan. By doing so, we reduce the amount of waste produced, demonstrating how modern technology can positively impact the environment.

Waste Minimization

Waste minimization is one of the main priorities of our project. We strive to reduce the amount of waste generated at every stage of production, use, and disposal of our products. We implement measures aimed at decreasing waste right from the design phase by selecting durable materials, minimizing excessive packaging, and avoiding unnecessary components. Furthermore, we conduct regular reviews of the materials used to identify possible substitutes that may provide a more environmentally friendly alternative.

Recycling and Resource Reuse

Recycling and reuse are key elements of our initiatives. We design our products with easy disassembly in mind, which facilitates the sorting of individual materials and the recovery of raw materials. This approach allows for the utilization of components at the end of a product’s life cycle, enabling their use in the production of new products or processing to minimize waste generation. Our commitment to recycling and reuse represents a significant step toward sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment.

Organizational Culture

All our activities are conducted in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and care for the natural environment. We strive to create a work environment where every employee is fully aware of and acts with consideration for the natural environment. At every step, we aim to raise awareness among our employees about the importance of environmental care. We continuously educate our staff on waste segregation by installing containers for various types of waste, such as paper, plastic, and glass. Most of our promotional materials are provided digitally; however, if printing is necessary, it is done on recycled paper. We also educate our employees on paper conservation by promoting actions such as double-sided printing, electronic document circulation, and the use of recycled paper.

Principles of 6R

By implementing the 6R concept, we aim to reduce the environmental burden by minimizing resource consumption, limiting the amount of waste generated, and promoting recycling and reuse.


Poprzez modułowość i naprawialność naszego skanera znacząco wpływamy na ilość produkowanych odpadów. Ten sposób projektowania pozwala na łatwą wymianę lub naprawę poszczególnych części urządzenia, eliminując konieczność wymiany całego skanera w przypadku uszkodzenia. To nie tylko praktyczne rozwiązanie dla użytkowników, ale także krok w kierunku zrównoważonej przyszłości, zmniejszając ilość generowanych odpadów elektronicznych. W naszych działaniach rezygnujemy również z użytkowania materiałów szkodliwych da środowiska.


Through the modularity and repairability of our scanner, we significantly impact the amount of waste generated. This design approach allows for the easy replacement or repair of individual parts of the device, eliminating the need to replace the entire scanner in the event of damage. This is not only a practical solution for users but also a step toward a sustainable future by reducing the amount of electronic waste generated. In our operations, we also refuse to use materials that are harmful to the environment.


Adopting a modular design for our scanner is more than just an innovative approach to medical device design; it is also a conscious choice aimed at maximizing the reuse potential of individual components. The modular structure allows for easy separation and replacement of parts that can be repaired or updated independently of the rest of the device. Thus, instead of replacing the entire scanner, it is possible to renew its functionality by replacing or repairing individual modules.


Our commitment to ecology and innovation is reflected in the modular design of our wound scanner. This thoughtful solution allows us to repair and upgrade our device without the need for replacement. This modularity not only extends the lifespan of the scanner but also significantly reduces the amount of electronic waste generated. Our priority is to provide durable and easy-to-maintain solutions that benefit both users and the environment.


The modular design of the scanner not only allows for the repair of a damaged device without the need for replacement but also enables the replacement of components with more environmentally friendly materials or solutions when identified. This approach is reflected in our regular review of materials to find potential substitutes that consume less energy.


With great care, we designed our scanner, placing particular emphasis on the ease of sorting and recycling its components at the end of their lifespan. In designing the scanner, we used materials that are not only durable in use but also easy to separate after the device’s operational life is over. This means that components made from different types of materials, such as metals, plastics, or glass, can be easily separated, which is a crucial step toward effective recycling.